Mina Scream ljud

I think I'm dying here man
Fairness would be to rip your insides out hang you from a tree so we can expose for the heartless desensitized little shits that you are
You hang up on me again I'll cut you like a fish understand,aha yeah
Fuck you No no no we already played that game remember
I told you not to hang up on me
Yeah your gonna love this one its a scream baby,hold on a second I'll be right back
Oh no thats in poor taste
I'm getting scared, I'm shaking in my boots
I liked that movie it was scarey
Everybody dies but us we get to carry on and plan the sequel cos lets face it baby these days you gotta have a sequel
The question Isn't who am I, the question is where am I
Im Sorry Thats The Wrong Answer
You sick fucks you've seen one too many movies. No sid dont you blame the movies, movies dont create pyscho's, movies make pyscho's more creative
There's a formula to it a very simple formula everybody's a suspect
Its the millennium motives are incidental
Randy's Rules of horror movies
Do you like scary movies
What's your favorite scary movie
Hey did they ask if you like to hunt. Yeah they did, they ask you. Hunt why would they ask you if you like to hunt. Cos there bodies were gutted. Thank you Randy. They didn't ask me if I like to hunt. That's cos there's no way a girl could of killed em. That is so sexist the killer could easily be female Basic Instinct. That was an ice pick not exactly the same thing
You never told me your name. Why do you want to know my name. Cos I wanna know who I'm looking at
Look Kenny. Yeah. I know your about 50 pounds over weight but when I say hurry please interpret that as move your fat-tub-of-lard-ass NOW!
I'm telling you the dad's a red herring It's Billy
How do we know your not the killer huh huh
Hi Billy
Maybe your movie freaked mind lost its reality button you ever think of that
Your absolutely right I'm the first to admit it if this were a scary movie I'd be the prime suspect
That's right
What would be your motive
It's the Millenium motives are incidental
Millenium hmm.. millenium I like that
That's good millenium
Good kid
Millenium good word my man
Are you telling me that's not a killer
What's leatherface doing here
He came to make up
There goes my chance with Sid damm it
As if that's all I'm saying as if
Oh really Alicia as if I'm going to check on them
I thought maybe we'd walk it's such a nice night out I got a flashlight Your not scared are ya
Stu's flipped out he's gone mad
We all go a little mad sometimes
No Billy
Oh Fuck
It's a fun game Sidney see we ask you a question and if you get it wrong bookah you die
You get it right you die
Your crazy both of you
Actually we prefer the term psychotic
You hear that Stu I think she wants a motive hmm I don't really believe in motives Sid I mean did Norman Bates have a motive
Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lector like to eat people Don't think so See it's a lot scarier when there's no motive Sid
Ah Stu Stu Stu what's your motive Billy's got one the police are on their way what are you going to tell them
Peer pressure I'm far too sensitive